21 Lessons for the 21st Century" by Yuval Noah Harari is a thought-provoking exploration of the critical challenges and choices humanity faces in the 21st century. Harari, known for his...
"Afwah Aur Hakeeqat" by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is a profound exploration of the political landscape and societal issues in Pakistan during Bhutto's era. The book delves into the myths and...
In this comprehensive guide, Muhammad Akram Bhutto simplifies the intricate landscape of current affairs for CSS PMS and PCS aspirants, offering a concise yet comprehensive resource to navigate the complexities...
Truth: A Brief History of Total Bullsh*t by Tom Phillips (Author) delves into the intriguing exploration of falsehoods throughout human history. Phillips navigates through the labyrinthine paths of deception, offering...
"We Are Bellingcat: Global Crime, Online Sleuths, and the Bold Future of News" by Eliot Higgins is an enlightening and thrilling account of how the open-source investigative journalism collective Bellingcat...